Welcome internet traveler on my website. Please sit comfortably and let us begin a journey with my passion – ships. It all began when I saw a photo in a book “War at Sea 1939 – 1945” wrote by Jerzy Pertek and Witold Supiński. This photo of an American aircraft carrier USS “Lexington” (CV-2) completely hypnotized me. Of course at that moment I didn’t fully understand these machines and the mechanics of war at sea, but seeing this photo was the starting point of my true hobby. From that moment on it became my passion and it even evolved into being my work.

I used to look for photos, drawings, plans, blueprints of ships and now my archive is full of them. When the internet started to be popular, I saw several models of ships created in 3D programs. I decided to learn how to use these programs and create ship models. My first project was my favorite Japanese battleship HIEI, but unfortunately it still hasn’t been finished.

The first person who saw my work in progress with HIEI was my friend Grzegorz. He contacted me with AJ Press publishing. When I started my cooperation with them I used to create illustrations for books about U-boots type VII, the Japanese battleship “Nagato” and the aircraft carrier “Taiho”.

Another of my accomplishments is becoming an illustrator for Kagero Publishing. Up until now my works were published in 19 issues in the series “Superdrawings in 3D”. The year 2011 was the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. I and Kagero Publishing made the US Embassy a proposal to make an exhibition in Warsaw using one of my projects – USS “Arizona”. That starts my next hapter – exhibitions. This was a success and eventually these were done all around Poland – Łódź, Radom, Gdańsk and in the National Museum in Szczecin.

On the 3th of July 2014 at the Navy Museum in Gdynia began my special exhibition called Super Drawings in 3D where I presented my anglif 3D projects. Visitors had the opportunity to virtually walk on two famous ships – Arizona and Bismarck battleship.

In September of 2017 I was invited to start an exhibition not only in Nowy Tomyśl near Poznań, but in in other locations in Poland too.

For several years I had the pleasure to work with a great artist and my friend Piotr Forkasiewicz. Without him my ships wouldn’t float on virtual oceans and fought in virtual battles. I would like to thank him for his help and cooperation.

Also I would like to thank Wojciech Lizakowski for creating this website. I hope that you enjoyed my website, and if you have been inspired, I’m encouraging you to try your skills in graphic design and maybe you too will become an enthusiast of 3D models, just like me.

Waldemar Góralski